Social Care Crisis

At CLIA Care, we hope that – whichever party gets a majority in government on Friday – social care will genuinely be a top priority for. Almost a decade of austerity and rising demand has taken a huge toll on statutory services.

There is currently a £2.5billion funding gap in adult social care. In the last 5 years there has been a £160 million cut in total public spending on older people’s social care. (This is despite a rapidly increasing demand because of our ageing population.)

A report last year commissioned by the NHS Confederation, and undertaken by the Institute for Fiscal Studies and The Health Foundation calculated that social care funding would need to increase by 3.9 per cent a year to meet the needs of an ageing population and an increasing number of younger adults with disabilities.*

The Labour Party is promising an average financial increase of 4.3% by 2023. We think their promise for a National Living Wage, and of cutting zero hour contracts, will mean more motivated and secure staff working in the care industry. And their promise of free personal care to the elderly is encouraging. The Conservatives are continuing progress with the NHS Long Term Plan which has a funding path of 3.4% financial increase over the next five years. 

We’re hopeful for a future where those in need here can get the right help, at the right time and in the right way.

